The Unrealistic Expectations that will ruin your PTC experience

There is a lot of money circulating around the Paid-to-Click (PTC) world, and on top of it, the opportunity to sell a wide variety of products in the networks without you having to sell them face to face. But that idea that most people is trying to sell you: that you can just sit, click …

How to make money on ClixSense: Referrals

Completing tasks, filling out surveys, seeing ads, playing the ClixGrid game will give you income, but if you want to make more money on ClixSense, you need referrals. What are referrals and how do I get them? You can invite more people to join and participate in ClixSense, and every time they make money by …

How to promote ClixSense in EasyHits4U

EasyHits4U is, in my opinion, the best Traffic Exchange, while ClixSense is, in my opinion, the best PTC System. I am going to focus in promoting either a splash page or a banner from ClixSense inside of EasyHits4U. The amount of new people joining EasyHits4U nowadays is huge. Promoting A ClixSense Splash Page Instead of …