The Unrealistic Expectations that will ruin your PTC experience

By | May 15, 2016

There is a lot of money circulating around the Paid-to-Click (PTC) world, and on top of it, the opportunity to sell a wide variety of products in the networks without you having to sell them face to face. But that idea that most people is trying to sell you: that you can just sit, click a few things, and become wealthy; it doesn’t work like that.

Welcome to the real world of PTC. You can succeed, just don’t waste your time, that is your most valuable asset.


The reality of referrals

Say that you do get a couple hundreds of referrals, people who join the networks under you. That will happen if you are active long enough and using the right approaches to get them.

They will not be very active, and many of them will quit soon after they join your network. People lose interest, or give up.

Not just here in the PTC world, this happens also in decades-old multi-level marketing businesses like Amway. This is the reality that many people trying to build a multi-level marketing network faces.

Then why are we trying it in the first place?

Because from time to time, we come across those who don’t give up, and who beging building their own network under you. They happen, and they will ultimately give you that freedom that you seek, but not if you give up too early.

In order for this to work, you must also choose the right networks to invest your time into. Choose a network that allows you to build a downline that can go several levels deep (you benefit from the people you invite, and from the people they invite, and so on and on), and one with a rock-solid business model so it doesn’t collapse before you get to reap the benefits. It’s depressing to read the comments of people who invested a lot of time, and money, in a network that just dies.

I have two favourite networks for this: ClixSense (around since 2007, 8 levels of referrals) and EasyHits4U (around since 2003, 6 levels of referrals). ClixSense gives money, EasyHits4U gives a lot of opportunities to promote everything else, including ClixSense, NeoBux and ClickBank products.

ClixSense is awesome, the yearly Premium membership is only $17 and generating that in ClixSense is actually not hard. And I still have the promotion where if you generate that for me I either upgrade your account or extend it for a year.

The reality of getting the referrals

Having awesome referrals is tough, but what about getting them in the first place?

There are many many different approaches to get the referrals: word-of-mouth, family and friends, social networks, traffic exchanges, using the PTC networks themselves to promote other PTC networks, a website, a blog, online courses, e-books, YouTube videos.

This is where the word “conversion” comes into play. So you show an Ad 100 times, and then 1 person that you showed the Ad to joins under you. This is a 1% conversion rate, 1 out of 100. And this is low if you are doing door-to-door selling, but high if you are sharing a landing page to people you don’t know.

If you had a 1% conversion rate, then you would need to show the Ad 10,000 times to get 100 referrals. And sadly, just showing the Ad provided to you by the network that you are promoting will have a much lower conversion rate than 1 out of 100 in some places.

But this doesn’t mean that you can not play with your own approaches to get people to join. EasyHits4U gives you some very easy to use tools to make a Splash page of your own. I am also planing to open up this site to participation of others to promote their own links so long as content of quality is created and shared. And I will share a guide about how to build up your own site easily, and how to make your banners using free software. That is why I haven’t been as active, I am working in a lot of content and it is very very time consuming, but I believe it is worthy if it can help you get ahead.

Fast-growing 1:1 Traffic Exchange

The reality of advertising in the PTC Networks and Traffic Exchanges

There is only one reality: the conversion rates are low if you promote using the same thing that everybody else is using. Once again the conversion rate is, if you show an Ad 100 times, and one person joins/buys the product, then you have a 1% conversion rate, one out of a hundred.

So that idea of “take this page, share this page as it is, and you will get hundres of referrals/sell a huge amount of this product”, that is just not going to happen.

You have a better chance if you create a splash page yourself, or if you create a banner yourself, or if you find a way to promote a service or sell a product that is not the same as many people.

It doesn’t have to be perfect at all, but people will look at something that doesn’t look exactly like what they have been seeing every day for many days. Our brains start filtering such things, only new unseen things bypass those filters.

The reality of Bux sites and rented referrals in NeoBux

Bux sites… stay away from them. They don’t have a sustainable business model, they will collapse after they take your time, and if you made a mistake, also your money. And the rented referrals are not real, they are computer generated to pretend that they are real, you will see them go inactive all at once. I’m sorry, but it is like that.

Then where is this craze coming from? Because there is one Bux site that is actually real: NeoBux.

Online since 2008, it promises you a way to build your finantial freedom through a system of “rented referrals”, and it delivers on it. It’s an old site, with a different approach than all the Bux sites poping up nowadays. NeoBux doesn’t only generate the money through advertising, it has a wide variety of activities to generate the money, and a huge huge user base. And the rented referral system, it is actual people in the network.

But if you start NeoBux with no investment, it’s going to take you a very very very long time to reach your finantial freedom through it. And you will not only have to watch the Ads but maybe do offers, surveys, mini-jobs and play the AdPrize lottery to make it much faster. And you will have to use the rented referrals system, and handle it strategically. The people who is cashing out the thousands of dollars every month have been there for a while and/or invested some serious money on NeoBux.

But, in NeoBux there is a very defined and clear goal that everyone going serious with NeoBux is trying to reach. When you start cashing out big in NeoBux, it isn’t NeoBux giving you free money, it is your reward for the time and the effort that you put into it. It is a reward for your constancy and your strategy.

So what is ultimate the goal in NeoBux?

  • 4,000 rented referrals
  • All 4,000 rented referrals extended for 240 days
  • The Ultimate Golden membership

So unless have a couple of thousands of US dollars to invest, then getting to that point is going to take you years. The time can be reduced by going crazy into the mini-jobs, by also getting direct referrals, by playing every single AdPrize opportunity, by taking advantage of the days where there are extra discounts in referral extensions or membership upgrades.

And if you are thinking “you know what, this isn’t for me, I need the money right now, right at the end of this month”, don’t use your time here, it won’t give you what you need on time, this is something to play for years, until one day you win.


In fact, if you are just starting with nothing, and you expect to build something really large in no time, and succed at it, I would take some lessons from you ^_^

I just like building things from the ground up. I believe one of my strongest qualities is my constancy; that I stick to one idea for a very very long time until I learn all of it’s secrets and make it work. And then I share what I learned so others trying it can save themselves some time not failing where I failed, and not wasting their time where I wasted it.

These networks work and have value because of us using them, if we stop using them, they die in no time. The strong networks care about their members, and reward them properly for their activity. The scams just care about sucking up the time and the money of everyone they can lure into them.

So, happy clicking. New guides and tools are on the way. I will also start a mailing list to offer promotions (some of them involving giving away cash, other replacing all the referrals links in my articles for yours for a period of time), access to the tools, opportunities to participate in this site allowing you to promote your own links in what you share here, critical news of the PTC world, and other ideas. Again, it is a huge amount of work, but I’m getting there. If you wish to subscribe to the mailing list just provide your e-mail below, no e-mail is coming out yet, but they will come when it is ready.

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