The situation with Traffic Monsoon has changed recently, so I am forced to release a Serious scam warning against Traffic Monsoon
There are many who have invested plenty of time, money, and advertising credits in Traffic Monsoon, despite its abundance of glitches and knowing it is a risk. But now, if you are still active on it, vey likely you noticed a massive drop in the level of activity, plus the fact that cashouts to PayPal are no longer possible. So, what is going on? Did the site become a scam?

Recently Traffic Monsoon made an announcemente about changing the payment and withdrawal method. Supposedly they are moving away from PayPal after they have been having problems with them or so they say.
Given the history of working with PayPal, it is not unusual that they block or cause troubles to an account that suddenly starts getting serious money. Their intentions of moving away from PayPal are perfectly understandable.
However, the fact is that payments have not been coming out from Traffic Monsoon, their funds are being withheld by PayPal or that is the story they say.
In a video released by Charles Scoville, Traffic Monsoon’s owner, he tries to reassure the users of Traffic Monsoon. He talks about 62 millions of US dollars being withheld by PayPal, and he also talks about the process of opening a bank to be able to pay users back.
The question is, does Traffic Monsoon really has a chance to survive without PayPal? There probably aren’t many willing to invest the funds that they have available in PayPal into a system that will not get their funds back into PayPal, and the great mayority of people will not move away of PayPal just like that.
And we want the people with funds in PayPal to follow our offers, that is the market that many are after, but that market is no longer available at Traffic Monsoon.
So how do we get our funds out?
Traffic Monsoon sends funds to the account that you signed in with to Traffic Monsoon (usually PayPal), or to either Payza or SolidTrustPay if you have made a payment using any of them.
I will try this later during the week: to move funds from ClixSense to Payza, and then use them to make a payment in Traffic Monsoon. After that I will try the withdrawal from Traffic Monsoon into Payza. I will see how that goes.
As of right now, the fact is that you can not withdraw to PayPal anymore, and if you didn’t sign in with either Payza or SolidTrustPay and you haven’t buy using them, your funds are stuck in Traffic Monsoon.
Despite the claims made by Charles Scoville about the future of Traffic Monsoon, it would not be the first time he closes a site and runs away with the funds. But given that Traffic Monsoon has never miss a payment so far, I will wait and see.
What are the alternatives to Traffic Monsoon?
It is difficult to replace exactly what Traffic Monsoon was in 2015. Despite the fact that a lot of systems promote themselves as “the new Traffic Monsoon” and “the next Traffic Monsoon”, they lack the amount of users that Traffic Monsoon had. Some good systems to use, based on it’s antiquity and the fact that they actually pay and have a sustainable business model, are:
For some quick cash with no Investment
ClixSense is your best choice. There are other PTC Sites that offer some ways to do money online, there are other sites that offer Surveys or a Grid game, but why go for the second if you can go for the best and most trusted one? Operating since 2007, and with a good Affiliate program available, you know your time spent building that network won’t go to waste.
It is good for getting money to spend soon, and you can cash-out to multiple payment processors which is a HUGE advantage. It is also a great system to promote and build your affiliate network.
For a long term strategy with/without Investment (with investment is faster of course)
NeoBux is the best choice here. If you don’t have the time or the will to build an affiliate network, then its rented referral system is for you. A little warning though, without investment it is going to take you a very very long time to build the income stream to a point in which it makes a difference in your life.
Operating since 2008, you know it isn’t a site that will just fade away as the other Bux sites do. This is the site that every Bux site tries to imitate, but fail.
Good Traffic Exchanges
There are plenty of Traffic Exchanges available online, with varying levels of activity each one; and there are Networks of Traffic Exchanges that reward you for seeing sites in it’s different member sites.
EasyHits4U is my favourite Traffic Exchange. With a multitude of tools to help you promote your referral links (such as Splash Pages and Site Rotators) both inside and outside of EasyHits4U; the ability to display your sites to specific segments (you can show to specific languages or specific countries, and if you have an upgraded account even to specific regions of the countries), plus a very active community, you can reach a lot of people and perform marketing research and carry out testing of your ads.
clicktrafficprofit is another group of Traffic Exchanges, and this one has a lot of members and other opportunities to make some money, plus plenty of resources about affiliate marketing.
The last two networks of Traffic Exchanges need more than a single post to go into detail about it’s strategies and opportunities available in them. But that is something for the future, for now I believe the combination of ClixSense, NeoBux y EasyHits4U is good for get things going.