ClixSense will no longer be a PTC platform

By | July 15, 2017

When ClixSense was started it was nothing but a PTC system. Across the years it added more and more ways of making money: Surveys, Offers, Tasks, the ClixGrid game, plus it had up to 8 levels of referrals if you were into building your downline to reach your finantial freedom.

But, if you have been using ClixSense since PayPal stopped working with them, then you also noticed the huge reduction in the ammount of PTC Ads available. There used to be quite a lot to look at, but nowadays there are just a very small number of them, some times the 4 Ads that you can click every day (here anyway) outnumber the number of paid Ads to watch.

Which lead to the decision of ClixSense of stop working as a PTC system. It was one of the best at this, but now it does not make any finantial sense for them to continue. Not to mention that in the PTC world the scams abound, so many people just want to take your money and run away with it. Situation that lead to the creation of this website in the first place.

But ClixSense is not closing, it still has a very active community, and it has become one of the largest Survey systems online. It is still a network to trust that pays what it says that it will pay, and the change, although radical, I agree that it is necessary.

So, what are the changes?

I’ll only resume the changes as I am about to travel so I am in a rush. The changes become effective after July 17th.

  • PTC ads will be removed.
  • ClixGrid will be removed.
  • Premium upgrades and the corresponding 8-level commission structure, removed. Instead of this only the direct referrals count, but the commissions that you get from them goes up significantly. If you have a Premium membership you will get whatever is left of it refunded, all members are now equal.
  • Minimum cashout for all members is $10.00
  • Affiliate commissions upped to 20% for all members.
  • Checklist bonus will now pay a maximum of 10% if all requirements met.
  • Any remaining Ads of ClixGrid credit that you have after the change on July 17th will be refunded.
  • There are new banners and Splash pages

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